展會(huì )通知
展會(huì )時(shí)間: 2017年11月23日-26日
展會(huì )地點(diǎn):云浮國際石材博覽交易中心
展會(huì )介紹
第十四屆中國(云浮)國際石材科技展覽會(huì )暨第八屆中國(云。┦幕潓⒂2017年11月23日至26日在云浮國際石材博覽交易中心舉行。本屆展會(huì )展覽面積10萬(wàn)平方米,預計本屆進(jìn)場(chǎng)參觀(guān)人數將超過(guò)10萬(wàn)人次。屆時(shí)展會(huì )將充分展示國內外石材荒料、天然石、大板和人造石制品、石工藝制品、石材加工機械設備等。
The 14th China(Yunfu) International Stone Materials Sci & Tech Fair and The 8th China(Yunfu) Stone Cultural Festival will be held from November 23rd to 26th, 2017 in the Yunfu International Stone Materials Expo & Trading Center. The exhibition area of over 100,000 square meters, visitors will exceed the number of 100,000. Stone blocks from both of home and abroad, natural & man-made stone products, slabs as well as stone processing equipment and accessories, etc. will be exhibited.
Granite, marble blocks and panels, artificial stone, micro-crystalline stone, synthetic stone products; Mosaic, parquet,fireplace, cabinet board, lines, wash basin and shaped stone, slate,grave stone and other products;garden landscape stone,queer stone,carving stone,jade stone,jewelry and other related crafts cultural products;
Stone processing machinery, stone mining equipment and processing tools, testing instruments and other large machinery products;
Stone protection products, adhesives, diamond saw blade, abrasive and other auxiliary materials; professional stone material, design and construction technology, scientific research, industry websites and media.
我們以石材為媒、以文化為魂,加強展會(huì )軟硬配套建設,力爭使展會(huì )成為國內最大,國際一流的專(zhuān)業(yè)石材、石藝展會(huì ),F誠邀海內外石材、石藝及相關(guān)廠(chǎng)商參觀(guān)參展,愿我們共同攜手,合作共贏(yíng)!
Here we bring stone as the media, with culture as the soul, to strengthen both hard and soft supporting construction of the Fair, and strive to make it the biggest domestic, international first-class professional stone exhibition. We sincerely invite stone and related companies to attend the Fair, and have business talks to create more business opportunities by cooperation!